Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

Series of low-cost solar cell

The trend toward homes that are powered by alternative energy sources, ranging from wind turbines and solar collection cells to hydrogen fuel cells and biomass gases, is one that needs to continue into the 21st century and beyond.

We have great need of becoming more energy independent, and not having to rely on the supplying of fossil fuels from unstable nations who are often hostile to us and our interests.

But even beyond this factor, we as individuals need to get “off the grid” and also stop having to be so reliant on government-lobbying giant oil corporations who, while they are not really involved in any covert conspiracy, nevertheless have a stranglehold on people when it comes to heating their homes (and if not through oil, then heat usually supplied by grid-driven electricity, another stranglehold).

Photovoltaic cells—those black squares an array of which comprises a solar panel—are getting more efficient, and gradually less expensive, all the time, thanks to ever-better designs which all them to focus the gathered sunlight on a more and more concentrated point. The size of the cells is decreasing as their efficiency rises, meaning that each cell becomes cheaper to produce and at once more productive.


“The Secrets of Building Your Own Solar Energy … for Less than $200.”

- You can build your own Solar Panels, saving $1,000’s off of retail price.
- Almost anyone can do this, even if you have no solar experience.
- There is a step-by-step guide and video that will show you exactly how to build your own solar panel system.

If you get stuck or have any questions, we want to help. We want to see you succeed and tell your friends about GreenDIYenergy.com. Let’s face it, even if you only cut your energy costs by 50%, your friends will be begging you for information on how to order this guide.


1 Komentar:

Pada 8 Mei 2018 pukul 18.55 , Blogger Unknown mengatakan...

Thank you for sharing valuable information.
Residential Solar Array
Solar Panel Home Cost
Solar Installers Near Me
Solar Power For Residential Homes


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